Goa Birding Tour

Day 01: Flight to India (Mumbai)
Around Midnight arrival in Mumbai. Upon arrival, you will be met by our representative and transferred to the hotel.

Day 02: Mumbai
Today after having breakfast you will have a walk through the harbor area and visit the Gateway of India built in 1927 by the English to commemorate the visit of George 5th from England. Sightseeing in Mumbai includes the Gandhi Museum, Hanging Garden and Gateway of India.

Day 03: Mumbai - Goa (by air)
After breakfast in the morning drive to the airport for the flight to Goa. In the afternoon arrive at Goa. On arrival you will be met by our representative and transferred to hotel. Evening free for leisure.

Day 04: Goa
Today you will drive to Carambolim Lake and have bird watching alongside the Lake. Carambolim Lake, an incredibly rich site, filled with an astonishing variety of waterfowl includes Purple Swamphens, Pheasant-tailed and Bronze-winged Jacanas, Spot-billed and Comb Duck, and the delightful Cotton Pygmy Goose. Standing around the lake or in nearby meadows can be found Lesser Adjutant, Woolly-necked and Asian Openbill Storks, while Citrine Wagtails and Wire-tailed Swallows feed around the cattle. Raptors can include Tawny and Spotted Eagles. After watching the sunset at the lake you will drive back to the hotel.

Day 05: Goa
Today after having breakfast you will drive to Mayem Lake and have birding around Mayem Lake. Then you will drive to Charao Island.

Day 06: Goa
Today you will drive to the beautiful forest reserve of Bondla. The hills here form the edge of the Western Ghat range, and the forests also offer quite challenging bird watching. Drongos, Bulbuls and Babblers can be seen easily, but an amazing range of Flycatchers and Warblers could be trickier. The forest floor could give us Orange-headed Ground Thrush and White-rumped Shama, or more confiding Forest Wagtail, Tickell's Blue Flycatcher and White-throated Fantail and also the birds like Crested Tree-Swifts, Scarlet Minivets, Brown-cheeked Fulvettas, Black-naped Monarchs, Golden-fronted Leafbirds, Paradise Flycatchers and many others.

Day 07: Goa
Today you will drive to Tambdi Surla. You will enjoy the whole day watching the birds and their activities in the Tambdi Surla.

Day 08: Goa
Today you will drive further to get the best out of the Western Ghat forests, home to so many Malabar specialities, the huge Molem Forest Reserve is the perfect venue for us. A series of excursions here will bring us into contact with a wide range of exciting forest birds which includes the Great and Malabar Pied Hornbills, Sri Lanka Frogmouth, Brown Hawk Owl and the beautiful Malabar Trogon, Bulbuls, Babblers, Flycatchers, Fairy Bluebird, Heart-spotted Woodpecker, Velvet-fronted Nuthatch and Crimson-fronted Barbet, Sunbirds, Flowerpeckers and the curious Little Spiderhunter, Chestnut-headed Bee-eaters and the spectacular Brown-backed Needletail, one of the world's very fastest birds. This wonderful pageant of birdlife is supported by a host of colourful butterflies, exotic lizards and mammals such as Common Langurs, Bonnet Macaques and Indian Giant Squirrels.

Day 09: Goa
Today you will spent your day at Anjuna beach in Goa. Anjuna Beach is famous for its fluorescent painted palm trees and infamous full moon parties. In the evening you will visit Baga beach. Baga beach is an ideal place to view the sunset. Baga beach is basically an extension of Calangute beach.

Day 10: Goa - Mumbai (by air)
Morning at leisure. In the afternoon transfer to airport for flight to Mumbai. On arrival in Mumbai, you will be met by our representative and transferred to the hotel.

Day 11: Mumbai (Departure)
Around midnight flight to home destination.

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