High Protein Vegetables

The protein content in vegetables is of inferior quality when compared to meat fat. Therefore, high protein vegetables need to be combined with other protein supplements to fulfill the complete share of proteins and vegetables. Such a protein supplement is primarily essential for those who are generally vegetarians and have to depend upon low calorie and low fat diets. For instance, if you eat plant protein in form of vegetable curry along with rice or bread then the required amount of protein is surely accessible.

The importance of high protein vegetables lies in the fact that often the amino acid content of low protein vegetables cannot properly be utilized for growth or maintenance of tissues. Therefore, during such cases the vegetable protein is either burnt as fuel or stored as body fat.

It was often believed that high protein vegetables or high protein diets are extremely beneficial for humans and especially for the athletes. This is far from the truth. High proteins can never make a good diet. It is true that protein is an essential nutrient and it has a major role to play in making our body function properly. However, this does not mean that we require protein in huge proportions. In addition to this, protein supplements are in most cases costly, needless and even injurious for some.

According to a general survey, the Vegan diets of the Americans are low in protein content in comparison to standard American diets. However, it has already been mentioned that it is not at all a credit to have high protein diets and at times, such a diet may give way to osteoporosis 4 and kidney diseases.

Some examples of high protein vegetables include a varied quantity of beans, grains, nuts and seeds. Remember, protein contains essential amino acids, often referred to as building blocks of the body. In reality, our body is in need of amino acid and not protein. We need twenty different varieties of amino acids of which our body cannot produce nine out of the entire variety. Therefore, under such circumstances the amino acid content of the protein rich vegetables are absolutely essential for our body.

Soybeans, quinoa (a grain), and spinach are some examples of high protein vegetables. However, not all protein rich vegetables have all essential amino acids. For instance, grains have low Lysine content and legumes have low Methionine content in comparison to other vegetables having considerable protein content.

The basic idea is to combine low protein contents with the high ones for the exact availability of amino acid content. Such a way of procuring high protein vegetables and diets is indeed rational but the process is entirely complex and fairly complicated.

Your daily requirement of high protein vegetables is:

* One cup of cooked soybeans (29 gms of protein), lentils (18 gms of protein), black beans (15 gms of protein), kidney beans (13 gms of protein), chickpeas (12 gms of protein), veggie baked beans (12 gms of protein), pinto beans (12 gms of protein), black-eyed peas (11 gms of protein), peas (9 gms of protein), spinach (5 gms of protein) and broccoli (4 gms of protein) should all be eaten

* Four ounces tofu (11 gms of protein) and firm (11 gms of protein) should be eaten

* 1/4cups sunflower seeds (4 gms protein) are necessary for you diet.

Therefore, if you are a vegan, it is not enough for you to include only one essential protein item in your diet. The source has to be varied and correct in matters of amino acid content.

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