
A Vicious Maneater: The saltwater crocodile is the largest reptile in the world, and perhaps the most dangerous. Along with alligators, saltwater crocodiles are responsible for more human fatalities per year than any other predator on earth.

Made for Water: They are powerful swimmers, expertly adapted to life in the water, where they do almost all of their hunting. Their eyes and nostrils are located on top of their head, which allows them to see and hear prey while partially submerged.

Stalk and Ambush: Saltwater crocodiles prefer to take prey from the water's edge. These patient predators will float for hours on end, eyes focused on the bank, waiting for a thirsty animal to approach for a drink. When a victim is spotted, the crocodile drops below the surface, inches forward to within striking range, then launches out of the water with a violent, bone-crushing attack. Hapless animals that don't get out of the way are dragged beneath the water's surface and drowned.

Underwater Storage: After twisting off a few mouthfuls of flesh, the crocodile will secure the carcass underwater beneath a log or riverbank, allowing it to rot over the course of several days, during which the reptile feeds on its prize at leisure.

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